Le Petit Apartment 2 Shkolla sami Frasheri 4200 leke

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Superior studio Apartment with Balcony

Oraret e marrjes se celsit jane nga 13:30 deri ne 20:00 cdo dite

Orari Maksimal i Daljes eshte 11:00 paradite te dites se daljes

Maximum 2 Guests – Maximum per 2 Persona

*Te gjitha cmimet e akomodimeve jane te paraqitura ne Lek dhe per pagesa ne valute te huaj do te perdoret kursi ditor i kembimit.

*Please note that all prices are based on Albanian Lek and will apply the daily exchange rate if you pay in other currencies.

Modern and cozy, recently renovated and with an amazing Location near the Skanderbeg square and the boulevard, the apartment is located in a quiet and small street in Tirana. The apartment is made by a bedroom and a kitchenette and offers a double bed, AC, a flat-screen smart TV, fridge, WIFI and a nice Balcony. in the apartment you have included , clean towels, shampoo, kitchen tools.

Ju Prezantojme me Apartamentin prane rruges bardhok biba ose mbrapa shkolles sami frashri., Apartamenti ka hyrje te vecante brenda nje koridori privat, ka nje dhome gjumi dhe nje aneks te vogel guzhine. ne apartament perfshihet, peshqira te paster, shampo dhe sapun duarsh, mjete gatimi dhe smart Tv me disa kanale shqiptare.