Enjoy Travel & Tours Guide eshte nje Kompani Turistike Specializuar ne Incoming Tour operator dhe Ofrimi i apartamenteve me qera ditore ne zona Turistike te shqiperise, Zyra kryesore e se ciles ndodhet ne Tirane (Kryeqyteti i shqiperise) Kjo kompani eshte themeluar 2 vjet me pare (2018) nga Genc Minarolli dhe kolegeve te tij i cili e ka Nisur karriern e Tij si Guide Turistike per Grupe nga 2 deri ne 30 veta , te nacionaliteteve te ndryshme Europian edhe Aziatik ne Rajonin e shqiperise Dhe ate te Ballkanit. Touret qe Ofrohen Nga Enjoy Travel jane 100% te beshem dhe bazuar ne Experienca te meparshme. cdo shpjegim eshte i detajuar duke Filluar nga Kohezgjatja e Tourit deri Tek Niveli i veshtirsis Ne menyre qe klienti te jete i informuar plotesisht para se te kryej rezervimin. Gjithashtu Apartamentet qe ofrohen jane Plotesisht te sigurta me vendodhje shue te favorshme per Klient vendas dhe te Huaj. Kompania Eshte e Regjistruar ne Shtet sipas rregullave shtetrore sipas Emrit Enjoy Travel & Tours dhe ka te gjitha te drejtat legjistlative per te Organizuar kryer Programe Turistike si dhe per te Ofruar Automjete dhe Apartamente me Qera Ditore.

Enjoy Travel & Tours Guide is a travel company specializing in incoming tour operator and offering apartments for daily rental in tourist areas of Albania, headquartered in Tirana (capital of Albania).This company was founded two years (2018) ago by Genc Minarolli and his colleagues who started their careers as a tour guide for groups of 2 to 30 people of different European and Asian nationalities.
The tours offered by Enjoy Travel are 100% reliable and based on previous experiences. every explanation is detailed, starting from the duration of the tour to the level of difficulty, so that the client is fully informed before booking.
Also Daily Rental apartments are completely safe in a convenient location for domestic and foreign clients.
The company is registered in the state according to state rules under the name Enjoy Travel & Tours and has all the legal rights to organize tourist programs and to offer vehicles and apartments for daily rent.